





单位资料 页面更新时间:2017-11-26 20:51
企业名称: 厦门胜中陶瓷阀门有限公司
商铺版本: Mip版 手机版
企业电话: 05927196056
所在地: 福建/厦门市
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 陶瓷阀门,陶瓷球阀,陶瓷半球阀,陶瓷蝶阀,硬密封球阀,硬密封蝶阀,陶瓷管件
注册年份: 2000
销售产品: 调节阀,控制阀,陶瓷阀,球阀,手动阀,卸灰阀
厦门胜中陶瓷阀门科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的中外合资企业,也是国内惟一具有结构陶瓷成形、烧结、研磨加工及阀门设计、加工、组装一条龙生产的企业,技术力量雄厚,供货快速,服务优良。专业制造硬密封陶瓷球阀、陶瓷调节阀、偏心陶瓷半球阀、陶瓷蝶阀、陶瓷闸阀及各种结构陶瓷制品,为厦门市高新技术企业,目前承担国家科技型企业技术创新基金支持项目及福建省**科技厅和厦门市**重点科技项目。 我们深知,高精度、高技术的产品离不开先进的加工设备、精密的检测仪器、专业的技术人员和现代化的企业管理模式,为此公司购进先进的数控机台,配合从台湾引进的专业陶瓷加工技术,有效地保证了陶瓷阀门系列产品的质量。产品严格执行国标GB、JB、美标ANSI、日标JIS、德标DIN等国内外相关标准,并能够针对客户需求设计制造各种非标产品,截止目前已获得陶瓷球阀、陶瓷半球阀及陶瓷蝶阀等十余项发明专利,并先后通过了TS特种设备制造许可证(压力管道组件)和ISO 9001:2008质量管理体系认证。公司管理及技术团队来自于台湾,秉承注重品牌、注重效率、注重质量、一丝不苟的精神,引领“胜中人”始终以诚信为准则,以质量创品牌为宗旨,努力打造国内陶瓷阀品牌。 SZ系列陶瓷阀门自投入市场以来,已在电力、化工、油田、冶金、造纸印刷、矿山能源、污水处理等诸多领域广泛应用。经过多年来的不断努力进取与开拓创新,SZ系列陶瓷阀门产品已经远销东南亚、欧美等多个国家与地区,凭借优异的质量与良好的售前售后服务,赢得了客户的广泛好评。 竭诚欢迎新老客户与我们携手合作,我们将竭诚为您服务! 合作单位: 技术合作团队: 北京航空材料研究所 台湾龙吟实业股份有限公司 厦门大学材料研究所 台湾金口金属股份有限公司 台湾宇钧精密工业股份有限公司 福建省智胜矿业有限公司 Xiamen ShengZhong Ceramic Valve Technology Co., Ltd,in short SZ, is a Sino-foreign joint venture specialized in R&D, manufacture, marketing.service of ceramic ball valves, ceramic control valves, ceramic eccertlit valves, ceramic butterfly valves, ceramic gate valves, as well as high purity alumina.ziconia fittings. As a high-tech company, SZ has taken on several key projects supported by National Technological Innovation Fund.Fujian provincial department of science&technology.Department of science&technology of Xiamen city. We know that there are no High-precision.High-quality products without sophisticated equipments, advanced testing instruments, professional talents.modern management. To ensure the quality of the ceramic valves, SZ has imported many advanced CNC machines.introduced professional processing technology of ceramics from Taiwan.SZ ceramic valves are designed.manufactured seriously according to the international standards such as GB、JB、ANSI、JIS、DIN. Meanwhile, we can also design non-standard products to meet customers. special need. By now, SZ has received TS.ISO 9001:2008 certifications, as well as several patents of utility model for ceramic ball valves, ceramic eccentric semi-ball valves.ceramic butterfly valves. SZ.s management.technology team comes from Taiwan, they value brand, efficiency.quality,.carry out the managing standard of the ISO9001 Quality Control System, take integrity.quality as the principle. For the high purity products, short delivery time.best service, SZ is currently recognized as a leader in the manufacture of ceramic valves in China. SZ advanced ceramic valves are now widely used in the power generation, chemical industry, petroleum, smelting, papermaking, etc. With the development of our company, SZ ceramic valves have been exported to many countries.regions such as Japan, Southeast Asia, the US.EU. To obtain application.products specifications, please contact us! Partners: Beijing Aviation Material Research Institute Material Research Institute of Xiamen University Technology Cooperation Team: King Valve Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Taiwan) King Gate Metal Corp.(Taiwan) Yu Chiun Precision Corp.(Taiwan) Fujian Johnson Mining Co., Ltd








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